with authors of Seeds of Radical Education at the Coady Institute.
The RADICAL EDUCATION INTERVIEW SERIES features short video interviews with authors of the book, Seeds of Radical Education at the Coady Institute.
Transformative, or radical, adult education has as much a role to play today as ever, given the current global COVID19 pandemic, challenged economies, more visible movements such as Black Lives Matter, and the invisible, but not forgotten, environmental crises of 2020.
Seeds of Radical Education at the Coady Institute captures the reflections of 14 experienced radical adult educators in personal essays that discuss issues ranging from promoting active citizenship, to community conflict transformation, to co-curating learning spaces. As one reviewer wrote, “These essays demonstrate the authors’ deep commitment to equity, justice and solidarity. Their educational approach is to help give people a sense of their own power to make changes, rather than be dependent on large external systems that are beyond peoples’ control.”
This radical education interview series is a companion to the book. Authors speak about their essays and reflect on their work during these unique times in 2020. Until the end of the year, different authors will be featured each month. Those who listen to the interviews and sign up will be able to download a free copy of each author’s essay.
First up, Dr. Wilf Bean talks about transformative adult education and what makes education radical!
Wilf, a lifelong adult educator and social justice activist, was the Director of Education Programs at the Coady International Institute from 1987 to 1999. Before coming to Coady, he worked with the Dene people in northern Canada for 10 years in their struggle for rights, and after Coady he served as the Director of the Tatamagouche Centre, a space for transformative learning for social justice individually, socially and spiritually. Now retired, he continues to be actively engaged in social justice issues locally and internationally.
In a four-part interview, Wilf shares his reflections on the practice of radical adult education and its potential to transform ourselves and our societies. Part 1 focuses on the following questions:
· What is transformative adult education?
· What makes it radical?
· Who should read your essay and this book?
In the second part of the interview, Wilf explores the potential of radical adult educators to support social movements such as Black Lives Matter and to contribute to the creation of a more just and sustainable world.
In the third part, he describes some of the challenges of being a transformative adult educator today.
In the last of the four-part interview, Wilf shares who inspires him today in the field of transformative adult education. Find all four interviews at: https://www.pdltd.net/radical-education-interview-series
Look for interviews with Maureen St. Clair, Colleen Cameron, Sam Madesi and others in the coming months.

After listening to the interview, sign up for a FREE download of the essay!
To sign up go to www.pdltd.net/seeds-of-radical-education